shortening of the thoracic muscle
Shortening or tightness is one of the causes of shoulder bone non-alignment or abnormal dyskinesis in people with shoulder joint dysfunction.
Small chest muscles can be shortened if they are chronically exposed to activities with reduced muscle length.Shortening of the small thoracic muscle increases the medial rotation (inward rotation) and adduction (front rotation) of the shoulder bone, which limits the posterior tilting, lateral rotation (outward rotation) and retraction of the shoulder bone while the arm is raised.In these shoulder joint movements, the restriction of shoulder movement is also caused by spinal misalignment and muscle imbalance around the shoulder.Restrictions on shoulder bone movement during arm lifting in daily life and sports activities are one cause of shoulder and neck pain.Therefore, if you have shoulder joint dysfunction, you should check for shortening of the thoracic muscle, and if there is shortening of the thoracic muscle, you should solve it. Of course, in order to solve the shortening of the small chest muscles, the cause of the shortening of the small chest muscles must be found before stretching.
참고 문헌Morais, N. & Cruz, J. (2016). Disorders and pain associated with minor muscle and shoulder movements in the sternum: rationale, assessment and management. physical therapy in sports 17, 1-13。